Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Writers in Their Youth (faux)

"The classroom was large and clean and well-lighted. It was a good classroom. There was the smell of new books and pencil shavings and an early September breeze coming in through the half-open window. The teacher's name was Miss Barkley and she had fine legs and a good face. I wondered if she would let me stay to clap the erasers after class. I wondered if she would call on me to ask me if I knew the answer to this question or that. I hoped she would. I hoped she would pull me out of line and tell me what a fine looking boy I was. But the whole morning long she called on the other kids and never once looked in my direction. 'The hell with her', I thought."

-----From the lost childhood journals of Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway, age 6, with his sisters Ursula and Marcelline on their first day of grammar school, 1905.

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