Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Holiday Observation

Funny thing about Christmas gifts. For a few days they're still new and special enough to keep out under the tree or even piled up neatly in a corner of the living room floor, but even before the tree comes down these wonderful shiny new treasures just sort of become...absorbed...into all the other 'stuff' we own.

And maybe one day in late January you look around and say, "Hey, where did all those Christmas gifts go to?"

Well, speaking for myself, the no longer exactly 'new' shirts are hanging in my closet, and the books I bought with the gift certificates thoughtful family members were kind enough to gift me with are on the shelf mixed in with my 10,000 other books.

This year I received from my sister a very nice brass floor lamp which I have positioned next to my recliner, allowing me to read in that comfortable chair for the first time. A great gift, but after a while I probably won't associate it with Christmas, it will simply be part of the general furniture.

Well, you would think at my age I'd have more important things to think about than the fate of Christmas gifts...but I guess I don't.

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